About Us
At St. Edmund Campion Catholic School, we pride ourselves on the strong partnership that exists among the home, the school and the parish.

How We Meet the Diverse Needs of Our Students
At St. Edmund Campion Catholic School, we are committed to Catholic education. Our students come to us with a variety of strengths and needs, with our Catholic faith as our common bond. Our prayer life, liturgical celebrations, the sacraments, and our faith and values system form the foundation of our program.
Our school policy encompasses routines and procedures which ensure a safe and welcoming learning environment for all students. The code of behaviour emphasizes mutual respect, conflict resolution and self-discipline. The safe arrival program encourages constant home to school communication when a student is absent or late.
Our instructional programs are continually being adapted to meet the individual needs of our students. Students who experience difficulty with regular classroom work are discussed in our school-based support network, and instruction is modified as needed. If necessary, we can call upon the support of the joint team, which includes Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) staff such as a social worker, psychometrician, assessment and programming teacher, and other specialized personnel. Parents are always invited to participate in the review process, and are kept apprised of modifications and progress.
The key points of what we offer at St. Edmund Campion Catholic School are:
A Catholic, safe and welcoming environment.
Technology and computer literacy.
Co-curricular programs.
Literacy Initiatives.
Mathematics initiatives.
We provide a Catholic learning environment through:
Daily prayer in classroom, class and school liturgies.
Banners, crucifixes and other visual reminders of our faith tradition.
Culturally diverse staff and clergy, who provide role models for students.
Safe arrival program, which provides for a phone call home if a student is absent.
Our Code of behaviour:
Focuses on self-discipline, self-respect and respect for others and the environment.
Reflects gospel values and a positive healing approach to discipline.
Ensures that classroom rules are discussed each term.
Involves social skills programs which provide students with opportunities to develop positive responses and responsibilities when dealing with feelings, conflict and problem-solving.
Involves the services of part-time guidance counselor and social worker.
Our technology and computer literacy initiatives include:
Program modification such as paired reading, remedial groups and classroom volunteers.
Ongoing school-based support team which assists staff with modifications.
Being respectful of cultural differences through the use of multicultural materials.
Integration of computer skills within the regular school program on class computer.
School History and Tradition
The population of St. Edmund Campion Catholic School has fluctuated over the years, but growth has been steady, particularly during the past five years. This has made it necessary to have portable classrooms placed on the property in order to accommodate the growing population.
Inspired by our patron saint St. Edmund Campion, an English Jesuit priest and martyr, both our staff and students have worked very hard to perform to the best of their ability, as well as demonstrate true Christian values. Our parents should take pride in the fact that their children demonstrate, on a daily basis, a value system which could only have started at home.