Banner - Group photo of Grade 2 St. Bonaventure Students holding up their co-written book "Make Your Own Fun!"

Supporting those in need has always been a core principle at St. Bonaventure Catholic School. The school community recently made a commitment to partner with the Angel Foundation for Learning (AFL) through a charitable cause. The goal is to raise money for AFL and support their Student’s Nutrition Program, which provides over 1.2 million meals per month to more than 60,000 students. 

An idea conceived by Ms. Marla Zupan and Mr. Carlos Cabaneros, their Grade 2 class has written and published their very own hardcover picture book called “Make Your Own Fun!” which is about two friends, Dimitri and Timmy, who try to solve a problem when they play their new video game! The objective of this initiative is to teach students the importance of collaboration, teamwork and being angels in our community by donating proceeds from the sales of the books to AFL, as well as contributing to the St. Bonaventure nutrition program. 
We thank our St. Bonaventure school community for supporting this wonderful cause!

Group photo of Grade 2 St. Bonaventure Students holding up their co-written book "Make Your Own Fun!"

Flyer - St. Bonaventure's Book Fundraising Event - Children's Book Written by the Grade 2 class in Room# 103 - Make Your Own Fun - Cost $25 - When: June 5, 2023 - Portion of the proceeds will go towards our school nutrition program