Dear Families of the St. Bernard Catholic School Community,
It is with great pleasure I continue to serve in the role of Principal at St. Bernard Catholic School. I have witnessed and experienced a very welcoming community. We distinguish ourselves by the spirit we have within the walls of our school and our actions speak of our faith. Along with a strong commitment to safety, academics, and the well-being of all community members, the St. Bernard Catholic School community is also committed to the overall spiritual, intellectual, moral, social, mental and physical well being of every student. More specifically, we are committed to providing a full education for our students in a caring, God-centred atmosphere where each person is seen as a well loved and valued individual. I look forward to serving and building a vibrant environment of lifelong learners walking with Christ with hearts of Kindness and Love.
As a community of faith, we the teachers, support staff, students, parents, and parish encourage, foster, and promote the development of the whole person as a caring responsible individual within a Catholic family based on the Gospel values of Jesus Christ. Any visitor will notice that ours is a very vibrant and involved community with many opportunities and events that promote the development of the whole student while building school spirit. We are Bernard Bears!
Student learning and well being is at the core of St. Bernard Catholic School. School staff in partnership students and parents strive to exceed individual expectations by setting high standards as we promote 21C Learning Skills: Collaboration, Communication, Creativity and Critical Thinking.
One of the goals of the Board’s Multi-Year Strategic Plan requires that, in order to create equitable learning environments for all students, students will be provided with safe, healthy learning environments by promoting a positive school climate, inclusive and accepting of all students, staff & community. This policy is interpreted through the lens of the Catholic faith as articulated by the teachings of the Church, having due regard for the following:
- Teachings of the Catholic Church, as expressed through various documents of the Universal Church, the Bishops of Canada, the Bishops of Ontario, and the Archdiocese of Toronto.
- Education Act, Sections 1 (4); 169.1; 301.
- Program Policy Memorandum (PPM) 128 Provincial Code of Conduct and School
- Board Codes of Conducts, August 29, 2019.
- Ontario Human Rights Code, Section 1; 19.
With mutual support and teacher-student-parent partnerships, we learn about each child's strengths and next steps - not only during reporting periods, but as an ongoing process, to support individual student learning. Integral to high student achievement is the consistent demonstration of growth in the learning of skills such as responsibility, organization, independent work habits, collaboration with others and self-regulation. The development and mastery of these skills are key elements of student success. In a teacher-student-parent partnership, discussions regarding the evidence of learning and consistent support and follow-through in next steps towards improvement, both at school and at home, are fundamental in supporting each child's learning and development.
Our code of behaviour is intended to enhance our students’ self-development and responsibility, as well as providing a safe learning environment. Its purpose is to protect the rights of each person in the school and to create an environment in which learning can occur. The code provides the framework within which each student may formulate value patterns and standards of conduct which are Catholic in inspiration, and which are witnessed in the life of the whole school community. Each student from time to time needs reminders and strengthening of Catholic values and morals. The goal of our Progressive Discipline approach is to move each individual closer to self-discipline for the safety and well-being of all with the support of all stakeholders. Our school desires to promote the building of self-confidence, self-respect, respect for others, self-discipline and positive attitudes towards self, peers, and adults. In collaboration, we all strive for the best possible conditions for learning and growth in a shared responsibility for the well-being of each student. Each student possesses their own roles and responsibilities as well, as they grow in the Light of Christ.
To each student and to all St. Bernard community members, may we be one in spirit, strength, and collaboration as we support each and every child, each one a gift from God, in a community of lifelong learners nurtured by and rooted in Gospel values. I wish everyone a wonderful journey filled with great blessings as we learn and grow together. Thank you for your continued support of Catholic Education.
Yours In Partnership,
Mrs. C. D’Souza, Principal
Mr. D. Fantinato, Vice Principal