Our School
About Us
At St. Benedict Catholic School, our dedicated staff strives for excellence every day as they guide our students in their faith journey to achieve in the arts, athletics and academics. We are blessed by the many gifts of our students. We see this as they participate in liturgical celebrations, and through their involvement in the many co-curricular initiatives that we offer. Our students are provided opportunities to grow as a Catholic school community through sports teams, clubs, extracurricular activities and service activities. They demonstrate the call to service through their many acts of kindness as seen through our annual food drives, our recycling program and our support to the Angel Foundation for Learning and other charities.
We enjoy a vibrant and active partnership with the St. Benedict parish. Together we work to nurture the Faith lives of our students through prayer, the sacraments and social justice issues.
Our parents and guardians are actively involved throughout the school year. This is evident through participation on School Council, Pizza lunch days, our annual Family Skate Night and Movie Night. Our parents and guardians assist on class excursions, volunteer as classroom helpers and are an important part of our fundraisers. Their contribution to our school is invaluable and has made a positive difference in providing our students with enhanced learning opportunities.
St. Benedict Catholic School is a vibrant place to be. We have much to be thankful for: our staff, students, parent and guardians, community partners and many volunteers. We look forward to working together as a Catholic school community.

Mission Statement
The Catholic community of St. Benedict believes that by demonstrating our faith in God and respect for each other, we can create a safe, caring and collaborative environment that promotes life-long learning and celebrates the uniqueness of all individuals.
How We Meet the Diverse Needs of Our Students
At St. Benedict, everything that we do ensures the presence of a Catholic environment Jesus' two great commandments - love of God and love of one's neighbour - form the basis of our existence. Daily prayers, liturgical celebrations, the St. Benedict code of respect and safety, the peacemakers' program, the daily curriculum and our interaction with one another all ensure the presence of a Catholic environment.
St. Benedict Code of Respect and Safety
St. Benedict School is a Catholic school with strong Christian values. It is our goal to provide for our school community of students, staff and parents, a secure, healthy, safe and peaceful environment where there is a shared responsibility for the wellbeing of all.
We all work together in order to teach the students entrusted to our care to become responsible adults with patience and compassion for one another. At St. Benedict Catholic School a committee of parents, students and teachers has worked hard to review the code of behaviour so that we may guide our students to get along together in the best possible way.
Through this code of behaviour we hope to make the students understand that they must take responsibility for their actions and that there will be consequences according to appropriate and inappropriate behaviour. We hope to teach our students to make the right choices about how to behave, so that they will grow in the image of Christ and live the Gospel values.
Individual Student Needs
We provide the following programs in order to meet the individual needs of our students:
Special education programs
Instrumental music programs
Extended French program
French as a Second Language (FSL), beginning in Grade 1
Vocal music
French Immersion Program
Behaviour Program
5th Block Program
Empower Program
Curriculum Initiatives
Computer literacy is a priority at St. Benedict. The Computer Committee, made up of teachers, parents and students has been working hard to ensure that students become computer literate. The Catholic School Parent Council (CSPC) has spent a great deal of money to help meet our computer needs.
Co-Curricular Activities
Co-curricular activities enable students to develop skill, share their talents, work together and enhance their self-esteem. At St. Benedict, the following activities are offered: choir and instrumental music, drama club, arts and crafts club, chess club, W5H club, house leagues, volleyball, basketball, soccer, baseball, track and field and cross-country.
Our School History and Tradition
St. Benedict Catholic School opened on September 6, 1957 with a staff of nine teachers and an enrollment of 333 students from Kindergarten to Grade 8. Enrollment increased every year and in November 1963, construction of a new building was completed with 25 classrooms and a school enrollment of 913 students.
In September 1964, enrollment increased to a high of 1012 students. In September 1966, construction of an addition to the top of the new building began and in January 1967 the school had a new library, 29 classrooms and one portable. Renovations to the library, the staff room and the gymnasium plus the addition to house the design & technology rooms were started in November 1973.
St. Benedict Catholic School is named after St. Benedict of Nursia, whose feast day is on July 11. St. Benedict is the Patriarch of western monasticism and a model teacher in the school of divine servitude. St. Benedict's message is a call to inner knowledge which leads to a deeper relationship with God.
St. Benedict's motto was “pray and work”. This motto forms the framework of St. Benedict School's rich tradition.
Since 1957, many dedicated teachers, priests and parents have worked hard to teach our students to become strong Catholics and responsible members of our society.