About Us
At St. Bartholomew Catholic School, we pride ourselves on the strong partnership that exists among the home, the school and the parish.

Mission Statement
Our mission is to help our students become discerning believers formed in the Catholic Faith Community who will become effective communicators, reflective and creative thinkers, self-directed, responsible life long learners, collaborative contributors, caring family members, and responsible citizens.
How We Meet the Diverse Needs of Our Students
St. Bartholomew Catholic School provides a Catholic Christian environment where each day begins and ends with prayers. Religious pictures, symbols and wall hangings are visible throughout the school. Students write their own prayers, read scripture, visit the church, make religious art displays and have classroom celebrations. School Masses and liturgical celebrations prepared by the students are held approximately once a month. Parents are always welcome to these celebrations. Catholic values are infused into the school curriculum.
The family life and the religious education programs form an integral part of the curriculum and are shared with the parents through the parent books that accompany these programs.
St. Bartholomew Catholic School provides a safe and welcoming environment. To help achieve this, a behaviour code is in effect. This code is reproduced each year in the Agenda books carried by children from Grade 1 to 8. All discipline situations are handled individually, keeping in mind that consequences for misbehaviour need to include opportunities for reflection and the possibility of personal and spiritual development for the student. Positive behaviour and the reinforcement of good behaviour are stressed. Positive student behaviour is recognized at monthly assemblies where the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) Virtue of the Month is celebrated and reinforced.
A safe arrival program is in effect to ensure that all students are accounted for, either at home or at school. If your child is going to be absent from school, please advise our secretary before 9:15 AM.
Our School History and Tradition
St. Bartholomew Catholic School was opened in 1969. It was named after Bartholomew, also known as Nathaniel, who was one of the first followers of Jesus. On September 12, 2009 St. Bartholomew Catholic School celebrated its 40th anniversary.
There has always been a close association between St. Bartholomew Catholic School and St. Bartholomew Church, as the pastors have been eager to work with the school. The close proximity of both buildings helps this relationship flourish.