St. Anselm Catholic School
Parent Council
Parents and guardians play a significant role in ensuring the success of our students. Our Catholic School Parent Council (CSPC) provides a forum for families to understand, engage and support issues that affect the education of our students. Our CSPC members include parents/guardians, school administration team members and community representatives.
Improve pupil achievements.
Enhance the accountability of the education system to the parents.
The St. Anselm CSPC will function in an advisory role to the principal and make recommendations to the principal and where appropriate, to the Board.
Agendas and Minutes
For archived agendas and minutes, contact the parent council or school principal.
Obligations of CSPC
If necessary, establish committees to make recommendations to CSPC; one member of CSPC must be on committee.
Develop by laws to include:
Election procedures.
Handling conflict of interest.
Establish conflict resolution process.
Not engage in fundraising unless:
Purpose is approved by the principal/board.
Funds are used in accordance with board policy.
Consult with parents about matters under consideration by CSPC.
Communicate regularly with parents and community to seek their views and preferences.
Work cooperatively with principal to improve pupil achievement.
Act as a link to the community in support of school programs.
Mission of St. Anselm's CSPC
Create atmosphere of mutual cooperation between parents/principal/teachers in our environment.
Foster positive relationship with principal/teachers for benefit of students.
Assist principal and teacher in communication with parent group.
Assist parent group in communication with principal and teachers.
Foster spirit of communication between home/school/community.
Enhance communication with:
Web presence.
Information sent home with children.
Information posted at school.
Contact Us
You can reach us at 416-393-5243.