Dress Code
Students must wear a white top and navy-blue pants or skirt.
Clothes should be neat, clean, without tears and/or holes, and appropriate for the weather. In the event that a student dresses inappropriately, staff will provide the student with a t-shirt to cover up the inappropriate attire.
The manner in which clothing is worn should not reveal undergarments (e.g., slouch pants).
Offensive patches, symbols or sayings on clothing are not acceptable.
Walking shorts are appropriate attire during the warmer months. Halter-tops, mesh shirts; cut-off shirts are inappropriate attire for school.
Spaghetti strap tops, low cut tank tops and t-shirts and abdomen-revealing tops are not allowed.
Any article of clothing associated with gangs is not acceptable.
Sunglasses, hats, caps and bandannas are inappropriate in the school building and classroom.
Shoes should be worn at all times.
Students should be wearing athletic footwear, specifically running shoes for Daily Physical Activity and Physical Education.
Jewellery and makeup, especially during physical education, is discouraged. Students will be asked to remove any that is inappropriate.
Dress Code in TCDSB Schools
All Elementary schools within the jurisdiction of the Board shall adopt an Appropriate Dress Code or Uniform Dress Code.
Parents are encouraged to review the local dress code at their child’s school and to direct their questions to the principal of the school.