Photo of Our Lady of Victory students sitting on the back of a truck containing the bags of clothing donated, with vice principal Mr. Yeaher standing next to them.

In a heartwarming act of generosity, Our Lady of Victory Catholic School's community clothing drive led to a massive donation of clothes and shoes. We donated approximately 100 bags to St. Vincent de Paul Society last week. Families, students, and staff from the school community came together to donate clothes and shoes of all types, sizes, and styles during OLV’s ‘Spring Clean Your Closet’ Clothing Drive led by our Vice Principal Mr. Yeaher. 

The response was overwhelming, with donations pouring in from all corners of the school community. A staff member from St. Vincent de Paul Society who received the donations was overjoyed by the outpouring of support. The Society will now be able to distribute the clothes and shoes to those most vulnerable throughout the City of Toronto, providing warmth, comfort and dignity to those who may have gone without such needs.

Thanks to the efforts of everyone involved from Our Lady of Victory School, the clothing drive was a huge success. This heartwarming story was inspired by what is written in the Bible: ‘I needed clothes, and you clothed me…” Matthew 25:36 and one of Mother Teresa’s quotations: “Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest you”.

Photo of Our Lady of Victory students sitting on the back of a truck containing the bags of clothing donated, with vice principal Mr. Yeaher standing next to them.