Our School
Dress Code
Our Lady of Peace Catholic School is committed to standards of neatness, cleanliness and modesty. We take pride in our students' neat appearance. Uniforms should be worn at all times. Our school colours are blue pants/skirts with white T-shirts/white golf shirt. The following restrictions on clothing apply to all students, staff and volunteers:
All T-shirts and knapsacks etc. will meet Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) standards on racial and gender equity.
At no time (particularly in the hot weather) will there be short shorts, mid-riff baring tops, tank tops, sleeveless shirts or excessively sagging pants.
Excessive makeup is not permitted.
Individuals wearing inappropriate clothing at school will be expected to change.
The complete Our Lady of Peace school uniform guidelines are outlined in the document below:
Dress Code in TCDSB Schools
All Elementary schools within the jurisdiction of the Board shall adopt an Appropriate Dress Code or Uniform Dress Code.
All Secondary schools within the jurisdiction of the Board shall adopt a Uniform Dress Code.
Parents are encouraged to review the local dress code at their child’s school and to direct their questions to the principal of the school.