Our School
About Us
At Our Lady of Grace Catholic School, we believe that the partnership that exists between home, school, and parish is central for our students' success and crucial to inspiring them in their academic, creative, physical, social and spiritual growth.

How We Meet the Diverse Needs of Our Students
The parents of the students who attend Our Lady of Grace have chosen to send their children to a Catholic school with the expectation that they will be educated to their fullest potential in accordance with Catholic beliefs and traditions. In addition, there are expectations of a safe and welcoming environment that fosters growth in all areas of development - spiritual, physical, social, emotional and intellectual.
Parents are encouraged to contact the school if their child will be absent or late arriving. To ensure their safety, the school secretary endeavours to contact parents if students have not arrived at school. The importance of keeping home and business phone numbers current cannot be over-emphasized.
As a school community, we pray communally each day and reflect on our shared beliefs. Through the religious education and family life programs, attitudes of courtesy, respect, justice and fair play are developed. In terms of a code of behaviour, students are expected to:
Arrive at school on time each day prepared for the day's instruction.
Conduct themselves appropriately at all times in the classroom, playground, school bus or on excursions.
Speak with kindness and courtesy to everyone at all times.
Respect the right and property of individuals and the school.
Be a positive role model for peers at all times.
Demonstrate tolerance for the beliefs, customs and traditions of others.
Diligently complete their assigned tasks to the best of their ability.
Reflect positively on the reputation of their families and their school and Parish Community.
Students identified as exceptional receive small group instruction in the special education program on a withdrawal basis. In addition, our School-Based Support Team (SBST) assists teachers in modifying the program for students who are experiencing difficulty or who require enrichment. The core French program is taught from grades 1 to 8. Students receive 100 minutes of instruction per week in grades 1 to 4 and 150 minutes in grades 5 and 8.
Computer literacy is strongly encouraged at Our Lady of Grace. Software programs to support curriculum at all levels are available. There are computers in all classrooms in addition to a cluster/network in the library resource centre. Word processing programs encourage young writers to publish their work and share it with their peers.
Our Lady of Grace School is an Extended French school. At the completion of Grade 4, parents may choose to have their child enter the Extended French program. The program continues from Grade 5 to Grade 8. Students spend half of each day in the English program for core subjects and half of each day in the French program. Students from our neighboring feeder schools may also apply to enter the immersion program.
The instrumental and vocal music programs foster an appreciation for music and the arts.
The skills which students acquire in the instructional classes are applied in performance areas such as choir performances, school musicals, band concerts and liturgical celebrations.
Extracurricular activities are also offered at Our Lady of Grace. Students are encouraged to participate in our many diverse sports and clubs, which will enhance all areas of development. Some of the extracurricular activities offered at our school are: soccer, volleyball, basketball, cross country, track and field, flag football, drama (school play is performed in April), choir, and academics (W5H).
Our History
Our Lady of Grace Catholic School was first established in temporary quarters in September 1974. The present facility, which was constructed in 1982, was officially opened and solemnly blessed on May 5, 1983. The school was dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary under the title of Our Lady of Grace. As mediatrix of all graces, Mary depends completely upon the merits of her son Jesus, the Universal Mediator. Through her maternal charity, Mary cares for us as we journey on earth.
When first established, the school served the Catholic families in the Rosewood and Brimley Forest communities. At that time, the school was part of St. Bartholomew's Parish. As housing development in the area progressed, several new Catholic schools were built. In May 1983, Prince of Peace Parish was established to serve the area north of Finch Avenue.
Our Lady of Grace presently serves the Brimley Forest and Richmond Park communities. Transportation is provided for students living east of McCowan Road.