This year, Principal Persad of James Culnan Catholic School is leading an innovative Math Hub pilot project initiated by Superintendent of Mathematics Curriculum & Innovation, Kimberly Dixon. The project brought together educators from James Culnan, Holy Family, St. Nicholas of Bari, St. Cecilia, and St. James Catholic Schools to enhance their understanding of effective math instruction, focusing on High-Impact Instructional Practices in Mathematics.
In the first session, teachers explored the high-impact instructional practice of math conversations while considering their positive effect on social-emotional learning skills in mathematics. With a focus on strategies to engage students in meaningful and effective math talk, educators explored pedagogy and practices to enhance their teaching. The process began with teachers observing live lessons at James Culnan, where these strategies were showcased. This experience highlighted how math conversations can support differentiated learning, promote engagement, critical thinking, and a sense of community.
The collaborative discussions that followed emphasized the positive impact of these practices, with educators noting increased student participation, confidence, and problem-solving skills. By sharing insights and best practices, participants committed to implementing these strategies in their classrooms, fostering collective growth and student success.
A special thank you to Superintendents Kimberly Dixon and Robert D’Addario, as well central resource teachers: Nadia Pastore, Seung-Mi Jang, Rhonda Kimeda, and Sophie Tyrrel, for their guidance. Appreciation also goes to the dedicated educators and administrators who contributed to this initiative.
The Math Hub exemplifies the power of collaboration and reflection in advancing education and building strong professional learning communities.