The Aspire Games, an innovative Track and Field meet hosted by James Cardinal McGuigan (JCM) Catholic School, has emerged as a beacon of inclusivity and athletic excellence since their inception in 2019. Established to break down barriers in sports and provide equitable opportunities, the games have become a pivotal event for student athletes who may not have had traditional avenues to showcase their talents.
Initially launched with the goal of fostering fairness, inclusion, and justice in sports, the Aspire Games was paused in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, they triumphantly resumed in 2023 and have since grown to encompass a broader experiential learning initiative known as the Adapted Physical Activity Tutorial Program, held at York University. This program not only enhances physical literacy but also nurtures motor skill development among participants.
Fundamental to the games is the principle of going beyond the medical model that defines who is considered to be able. The games create the infrastructure for accessibility and focuses on student transitions from high school to the community.
The selection of sporting events is strategic, aimed at building capacity and allowing student athletes to reach their full potential. Organizers emphasize that the games transcend mere classifications of impairment, challenging societal constructs and enabling participants to excel in an environment that celebrates their achievements.
On June 19, the Aspire Games was successfully held at York University thanks to the great work from Mr. Terry Douglas, Special Education Department Head at James Cardinal McGuigan Catholic School.
As the host school, staff at James Cardinal McGuigan, extend their gratitude to the community supporters whose contributions made the event possible. Sponsors such as Freshco, No Frills, Freshii, along with York University, the Toronto Metropolitan Track and Field Centre, the Toronto Police, Athletics Canada, OPHEA (Ontario Physical and Health Education Association), and Variety Village, have played a crucial role in nurturing the success and growth of the Aspire Games.