James Cardinal McGuigan Catholic High School is collaborating with York University's Kinesiology program in a meaningful partnership initiated by JCM's Special Education Department Head Terry Douglas with York University Kinesiology professor Stephanie Bowerman. As part of this collaboration, York University's Kinesiology students work with special needs students from JCM in a mutually beneficial learning experience.
Read more at Hands-On Experience Brings Kinesiology Theory to Life.
The article above - which was written in the York University's news source "Innovatus" - talks about about JCM's beautiful relationship with York University Adapted Physical Activity Program. It speaks about the amazing learning experience for JCM and York students alike. JCM students get to practice socialization and meaningful integration within a new environment. York's Kinesiology students get to learn, first-hand, how to accommodate movement and exercise when working with persons with special needs.
JCM's Special Education Department continues to work closely with York to expand our collaboration and further provide meaningful opportunities for all staff and students. We thank the school community for supporting the department, the Jane/Finch Community and especially our students.