Our School
About Us
Immaculate Conception Catholic School opened its doors in September 1961 to 221 students and eight teachers. The first principal was Patrick Smith, who was replaced part way through the first year by Elizabeth Lawlor. In 1967, an addition to the school was completed. It included a gymnasium with change rooms, an equipment room, six new classrooms, additional office space and a storage room.
The feast of the Immaculate Conception is celebrated on December 8. It was proclaimed an official feast day in 1854 by Pope Pius XII. It honours the Virgin Mary and the fact that, out of all the women in history, God chose her to be the mother of His own Son, Jesus.
The school motto, as represented on the school crest - "Courage, Dedication, Discipline and Skill" - was developed by a former teacher in 1967. These are qualities the staff, students and parents work very hard to achieve.

How We Meet the Diverse Needs of Our Students
The diverse needs of the students at Immaculate Conception Catholic School are met in a variety of ways. They are as follows:
A Catholic environment
Safe, welcoming environment
Curriculum initiatives
Modification of curriculum
Co-curricular programs
A Catholic Environment
School masses
Class celebrations
Staff day of reflection
Student retreats
Religion and family life programs
Bibles, religion texts, posters, records, tapes videos, filmstrips, statues
Prayer concerns in classrooms
Staff as role models
Integration of religion into all areas of the curriculum
Observing feast days
Lent/Advent programs
Food and fundraising activities for charity
Ministry courses in religion for staff
A Safe and Welcoming Environment
Safe arrival program
Well maintained and clean building
Halls decorated
Helpful students and staff
Monthly event board outside office
Parent volunteers
Student teachers
Ongoing communication with parents
Meet the teacher night