Left, welcome banner hanging in front of school with welcome written in many languages. Right, group of Holy Child students in school uniform holding up a We are One banner.

About Us

Holy Child Catholic School officially opened in September 1994 with a student population of approximately 240 students. It operated in a wing of St. Dorothy School until its facility at the Humberwood Centre was built. As a new school, a conscientious effort has been made by the school community to establish a school culture.

Holy Child Catholic School has a name that is centered in the image of Jesus as a young boy, and this reflects the philosophy of the school and Catholic education. The name is in reference to the scripture story found in Luke 2:40:51. The story clearly shows the child Jesus as an ideal student in a religious educational context. The school's name, Holy Child, evokes the image of Jesus at an age with which the students can identify. The passage in Luke reflects a holistic philosophy where religion and education go hand-in-hand, and an emphasis placed on a healthy body and mind. The ultimate goal of this education is to find favour in the eyes of God and humankind.

The school motto "With God we grow in body and wisdom" was chosen through the process of community consultation. Our school community chose red, white and gold as the school colours which symbolize kingship, purity and divinity. "Like Jesus Grew" has been presently adopted as the school's theme song. The feast day is celebrated the second week in January.

How We Meet the Diverse Needs of Our Students

Holy Child Catholic School is committed to the vision of Catholic education as outlined in the Mission statement of the Toronto Catholic District School Board. Our students come to us with a variety of strength and needs, with our Catholic faith as our common bond. The religious education program provides a sound basis for the development of the sacramental life of Holy Child Catholic School, and affirms the child in all aspects of sacramental and spiritual growth. In conjunction with the religious education program are the sacramental celebrations as prescribed by Catholic obligation and devotion.

Our school goal is to provide a safe and welcoming environment to the whole student body by closely observing the Code of Conduct. Students are consistently reminded to take responsibility for their own conflicts and find positive solutions. Throughout the year we have several programs and presentations aimed at building self-esteem and confidence and to help students identify and express their thoughts and feelings in a peaceful and respectful way.

Instructional programs are adapted to meet the holistic needs of our students. These programs are conducted in an atmosphere that is supportive, caring and engaging in order for the students to achieve academic success. Teachers provide students with access to technology, modified programs, social skills groups, enrichment and special projects. Every effort is made to provide this atmosphere using current practices and resources as mandated by the Board and the Ministry's policies and guidelines.

Holy Child has the long tradition of offering strong extracurricular and cocurricular programs which include concerts, choir, peer mediation program, the living rosary, young authors, science and technology fairs, environmental awareness activities, partnership with the Humber Arboretum, student council mathematics competitions, music festival of the arts, and many intramural and extramural events including house leagues, volleyball, basketball, cross-country, track and field and softball.

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Photo of the school building