About Us
Holy Angels Catholic School is located at the corner of Jutland and Islington, in the heart of an industrial, commercial and residential area. The school is fortunate to be located next to the church and maintains a close connection with the parish. The school was built in 1960 and since then has undergone two extensions.
We celebrate the feast of Holy Angels each year on October 2. Angels, who were created by God before the creation of the visible universe, are quite evident in both the Old and New Testaments as God's special messengers and guardians.
The cultural family roots for many of our students is Italian, although English is reported as the main language spoken in many of the homes. The number of Portuguese families has also noticeably increased in the past few years. Other cultures include Spanish, Polish and Filipino. In most homes, English is the predominantly spoken language.
Holy Angels is truly a community school in which the triad of home, school and parish are witnessed on a daily basis.
How We Meet the Diverse Needs of Our Students
Our school's Catholic spirit is very evident in the daily classroom prayers, reflections, Bible readings, and prayers for specific and general intentions. At frequent school masses and paraliturgies we celebrate our traditional Catholic feasts. Prayerful assemblies are held on such days as Thanksgiving Day, Remembrance Day, and Canada Day. Throughout the Lenten season, many children attend the daily masses at the church. The children welcome the priests' visits to their classrooms throughout the year. All these foster a Catholic environment and remind us of our Catholic heritage.
Christian values are taught to the children and their practice is encouraged. “Every child has the right to learn and be happy, but no child has the right to take away another child's right to learn and be happy.”
Parents respond well to the school's daily safe arrival program by phoning in early if their child is absent or late. The students are well supervised at all times. Established rules of conduct within the class, the halls and school yard are taught and frequently reviewed with the children.
Overall we strive in all areas to provide a secure, caring and supportive learning environment. Teachers' long-range plans clearly indicate the basic concepts, skill, methods of evaluation and resource materials for each unit of study to be taught within a projected time frame. The plans, although specific to the classroom needs, are sufficiently flexible to allow for adjustments when necessary. Much emphasis is placed on the language arts and mathematics programs.
The coordination of programs between the specialized resource classes and the homeroom classes requires ongoing consultations between teachers in order that the child is taught the content and skills at their level of ability through a process which is consistently relevant to the child's style of learning.
As an extension of the regular school program, students are also involved in many co-curricular, athletics and leadership activities.