About Us
Father Serra Catholic School provides a safe and welcoming learning environment. As outlined in our school policy published with our school calendar, Father Serra has a code of behaviour which emphasizes mutual respect, conflict resolution and self-discipline. The Father Serra school community endorses a dress code consisting of a navy blue and white school uniform and a complimentary red tie. Every student at Father Serra wears the school uniform daily. Our safe arrival program is in place with constant home-school communication when a student is absent or late. A before and after school program was initiated by our Catholic School Parent Council (CSPC) to offer child care for working parents.
Our instructional program is always adapting to meet the needs of the students. Two main initiatives for our school's strategic action planning are technological literacy and problem-solving. The computer committee, a sub-committee of the CSPC, was established to investigate the acquisition of computer hardware and software. The library houses both the computer lab, where students receive weekly instruction, and the technology centre.
Many of our students in the junior and intermediate grades attend the gifted program at Transfiguration of Our Lord Catholic School. We have a strings program, a school choir and a vocal music program. Our intermediate grades are involved in the Learning Partnership program and interact with several business partners. All students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of extracurricular activities including a chess club, school sports teams, house leagues, environmental club and student council.
Student progress is formally reported three times a year with report cards and parent teacher interviews. As well, close communication is encouraged and maintained between home and school. Students who are experiencing difficulty with regular classroom work are discussed in school-based support team (SBST) and joint team meetings (JTM).
Programs can be modified and integrated behaviour programs are provided at Father Serra Catholic School to support students with social/emotional concerns. Parents are informed and invited to participate in this process. As a school community, we recognize the need to provide our students with the education that will equip them to live successfully and responsibly in a complex and changing world.

School History and Tradition
Father Serra Catholic School opened in September 1978. This site, previously known as Green Meadows Junior School, was leased from the Etobicoke Board of Education in response to the growing Catholic population in the area and the need for a Catholic elementary school. The school opened with a population of 159 and that number has steadily increased to our present enrollment. Our school has undergone renovations which included ramps for wheelchair accessibility, a new office area, and the addition of portables on site to accommodate increasing enrollment.
Father Serra is one of three elementary schools in All Saints Parish. Our school was named after Father Junipero Serra, a Franciscan missionary. He was born in 1713 in the village of Petra on the Balearic Isle of Mallorca. His first missionary assignment was to Mexico and his initial call to California came in 1768 when he was entrusted with the presidency of the 13 missions in Lower California. During the next 15 years he founded nine missions and died in 1784 at his beloved Mission San Carlos Borromeo in Carmel. The school and community celebrate his feast day of November 24 with a paraliturgy organized by our student council.
The students of Father Serra learn and grow in a caring school and community environment which stresses acceptance of others, tolerance, commitment to our Catholic faith and high academic standards. Father Serra Catholic School has had great success over the years in academics, athletics and the arts.