About Us
The Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) supports the Ministry of Education’s vision that children and families have access to quality child care programs and that schools are the optimal site for child care centres in the community.
Schools are secure, support a seamless day for children and their families, and ensure a smooth transition to school life.
The TCDSB works closely with the City of Toronto in implementation of the Ministry of Education Early Years Programs and Policies, as well as City of Toronto Children’s Services Plan.
Early Years Programs must be operated by not for-profit, licensed third-party operators that hold a Service Agreement for Fee Subsidy, in good standing, with the City of Toronto Children’s Services Division and who meet Ministry of Education and TCDSB criteria.
Licensed child care programs are eligible to receive fee subsidy payments administered by the City of Toronto.
Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years
All Early Years’ Programs are guided by Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years, which is organized around four foundational conditions that are important for children to grow and flourish:
These four foundational conditions hold at its core a shared understanding of the roles and contributions of children, families and educators.
TCDSB Early Learning and Child Care Programs
We serve children from 0 to 12 years old. Find out more information about our programs:
Refer to our program guide for TCDSB Early Learning and Child Care Programs locations and contact information.