Dear TCDSB Families:
Get ready for an amazing new school year starting on Tuesday, September 3! We're thrilled to welcome back our returning students and can't wait to greet our new ones. This year is going to be full of exciting opportunities, new friendships, and unforgettable memories. To get you ready, we want to provide some helpful information.
School Communications
Please take a few minutes to review and register for the following important school-related information:
TCDSB Website: Stay informed about Board events and updates, access the school year calendar, find your child’s school website and learn about community engagement opportunities.
SchoolMessenger/Safe Arrival: Report your child’s absences and receive school communications throughout the year.
SchoolCash Online: A safe and convenient payment option that eliminates the need to send cash or cheques to school for pizza lunches, civvies days, and field trips.
TSTG Bus Transportation Portal (school bus students only): The Toronto Student Transportation Group (TSTG) portal provides online access to your child’s transportation information and up-to-the-minute email notifications regarding school bus cancellations or delays.
TCDSB General Information
Resources for Parents/Guardians: Feature important tools and resources to help families navigate the school system, including information on the Parent and Student Charters of Principles, and Your Child’s Education: A Parent’s Guide to Our School System (including details on guest speakers).
Catholic School Parent Councils: Information on how to get involved in your school’s parent council.
Mental Health and Well-Being Resources: Access resources including tips for families, videos, websites, and agency information about child and youth mental health and available supports.
Strategic and Action Plans: The Multi-Year Strategic Plan, Equity Action Plan, and Pastoral Plan collectively outline the Board's vision, goals, and commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion, and spiritual initiatives for the current and upcoming years.
Board and Committee Meetings: Learn about meeting schedules, agendas, and public participation options.
Public Transportation: Access TTC tips and reminders related to back-to-school.
TCDSB Policies and Procedures
New Device Use Policy: Outline rules regarding the use of electronic devices within schools.
Smoke and Vapour Free Space Policy: Ensure all TCDSB properties are smoke and vapour-free environments.
Code of Conduct Policy: Establish the standards of behaviour expected from all members of the school community.
Dress Code for Pupils Policy: Detail the expectations and guidelines for student attire within schools.
Progressive Discipline Policy: Outline the disciplinary approach focusing on corrective actions and behavioural improvement.
Prevalent Medical Conditions Policy: Provide guidelines for supporting students with medical conditions that require management within the school setting.
Guidelines for Trustees, Parents and Staff in Addressing School Related Concerns Policy: Outlines procedures for addressing school-related matters.
Note: This policy is currently under review and updates will be shared with families once available.
Thank you for your continued partnership in the education and well-being of our students. Your support is essential in creating a nurturing and successful environment where each student can thrive academically, spiritually, and socially. We are excited to embark on this journey with you and look forward to a year filled with learning, growth, and shared achievements. We’ll see you on September 3!
Toronto Catholic District School Board