An illustration of Director Browne with 5 students in the background - Director's Annual Report 2022/2023 written on the picture.

Dear TCDSB Community,

I am delighted to present to you the 2022-2023 Director’s Annual Report for the Toronto Catholic District School Board.

This report provides a comprehensive overview of the significant achievements and initiatives that have marked the past academic year. It reflects our collective resilience and dedication, showcasing how we adapt and thrive in a rapidly evolving educational landscape.

Our Board, bolstered by the unwavering dedication of our staff, families, and students, persistently cultivates a nurturing and inclusive Catholic learning environment. We are resolute in our mission to develop not only academically accomplished students but also individuals who are compassionate and socially responsible, guided by our faith in God, love for our neighbours, and respect for ourselves.

Thank you for your continued partnership in this journey.

Yours truly, 

Dr. Brendan Browne
Director of Education