Regional Arts Program Application Form

Regional Arts Centre
Bishop Marrocco - Thomas Merton (BMTM) Catholic Secondary School’s Regional Arts Centre is in Roncesvalles, the heart of Toronto’s urban arts scene.
Our facility boasts a newly renovated, 500-seat theatre, drama and dance studios, media arts lab, photography class with dark room, and a music room equipped with woodwind, brass, and stringed instruments as well as keyboards. This is an excellent school for a truly enriched Regional Arts Program.
Regional Arts Program (RAP) students follow a balanced academic curriculum. We are very proud to offer students the opportunity to further explore the arts through specialized programs in dance, dramatic arts, instrumental and vocal music, and visual arts including photography, media arts, and video production. We are also the only Regional Arts school that offers an Arts and Culture Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) program for students in grades eleven and twelve.
Students enrolled in the school’s Regional Arts Centre participate in arts-focused Religion courses. These courses satisfy the Religion requirements while emphasizing the role of the Arts in the Catholic tradition.
Students are engaged in artistic practice, religious instruction and spiritual development. Students who complete the requirements will receive an Arts Certificate in addition to their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) upon graduation.