About Us
At Annunciation Catholic School, we pride ourselves on the strong partnership that exists among the home, the school and the parish.
How We Meet the Diverse Needs of Our Students
Of paramount importance at Annunciation Catholic School is the Catholic dimension which permeates every aspect of our school day, making us “a school with a difference”. This “difference” is the unifying factor in the wide range of diversity which is evident in our school.
While teaching a formal religious education program at all grade levels is central to this process, it is the all-encompassing message of Christ that influences the attitudes and interactions of staff and students. In recognizing the value of each individual in the sight of God we seek to stress the dignity of each in the sight of God. Therefore, dignity and respect for others, regardless of differences, are the hallmarks of our interactions.
Our school community is made aware of the Gospel message in many different ways. Formal and informal prayer is an integral part of school life whether it is in a classroom, before meetings or in our liturgical and paraliturgical celebrations, either in the church or in the school. Displays within the school, the tone of assemblies, our involvement in charitable endeavors, our emphasis on the importance of being models for peacemaking, all challenge us as a community to develop these Gospel values.
The presence of the parish in the life of the school is significant. The school collaborates with Annunciation Parish - and they with us - in many different ways but none is more significant than the assistance our staff provides to the parish in the preparation of our students for the sacraments.
We are constantly striving to provide a safe and welcoming environment for our community. Health and safety issues are highlighted in our communication with staff, students and their families. We have a safe arrival program and our code of behaviour is predicated on dignity and respect for all. This information is communicated through our newsletter, assemblies, our Catholic School Parent Council (CSPC) and through personal interactions.
Our efforts continue to concentrate on the development of computer literacy. The school has been recently outfitted with a wireless network, a number of netbook computers, and interactive whiteboards. The purchase of hardware has been assisted through the fundraising efforts of staff and our school association.
Modifications in program continue to be important given the diversity of language, learning needs and other considerations. This is addressed in the regular program and through our special education and English as a Second Language (ESL) programs. We have a School-Based Support Team (SBST) within our school. This group meets on a regular basis to review the progress of students. Parental input is important in this process. Where appropriate, a variety of evaluation techniques are used to tap into students strengths and interests. Teachers frequently group students for instruction and often provide individualized instruction as required. Our students from Grade 5 through Grade 8 who have been formally identified as gifted through the Board's screening process attend a local gifted centre one day a week.
In order to develop and enhance the many talents and diverse interests of our students, we have numerous cocurricular and extracurricular programs in the school. These include general knowledge tournaments, carnaval d'hiver, choir, talent show, and more. Sports activities include soccer, basketball, volleyball, skating, hockey, cross-country, track and field, and a swim team which is a joint parent/school activity.
School History and Tradition
The school community was expanded to serve the students in the Our Lady of Wisdom Catholic School area who preferred not to take an early French immersion option. The area around the school dates from the early 1960's, and the school itself was opened in 1965.
Annunciation Catholic School is named to commemorate the Annunciation of our Lord to the Blessed Virgin by the Angel Gabriel. A student mural depicting this event decorates our foyer. Our school community values our reputation for academic excellence and full student involvement in a variety of cocurricular and extracurricular activities.
Annunciation Catholic School is one of the three Catholic elementary schools and one Catholic secondary school associated with Annunciation Parish.