About Us
The Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB)'s Adult Education Program has been providing free language instruction to adult learners since 1964 with several thousand learners participating each year.
Funded by / Financé par:

Our government-funded programs include Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC), English as a Second Language (ESL), French as a Second Language (FSL) and Essential Skills Training.
Classes are offered in a variety of settings including lease facilities, libraries, community centres and schools. We cater to a diverse multi-cultural and multi-faith community.
All are welcome.
Our Mission is to provide quality language instruction to adult learners in order to facilitate their integration and full participation in Canadian society.
We strive to create an environment characterized by mutual respect, appreciation of differences, teamwork, positive interaction, professional excellence and continuous learning.
We believe that by adhering to these principles we still make a positive contribution to Canadian society.
We Envision Adult Education Learners Who:
Understand and articulate their needs and goals.
Actively participate in purposeful learning.
Interact positively with staff and other learners.
Respect school policies and protocols.
We Envision Adult Education Program Staff Who:
Promote equality and respect for each learner and for each other.
Strive to provide inspiration and leadership.
Act responsibly, intelligently and ethically, in the best interest of learners and the Adult Education Program.
Engage in ongoing professional learning in an effort to continually improve practices.
We Envision an Adult Education Program That:
Offers easy and equitable access to its service.
Provides a welcoming and safe environment.
Values teamwork and collaboration amongst all staff to best serve adult learners.
Prepares adult learners for integration in the community, employment, further education and career advancement.
Develops and shares its expertise and resources with other organizations engaged in adult education.
Is accountable to stakeholders.