Last day to register is Friday, February 28, 2025

Program Information: Secondary
All students can register for courses starting on Friday, January 10, 2025
Based on enrolment, courses will be cancelled or redirected. Students may register for a maximum of three new credit courses (a combination of in-person, remote/eClass Online learning courses). Proof of registration and photo ID may be requested on the first day of classes.
There is no onsite registration.
Important Information
The Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) reserves the right to cancel a class. A preliminary list of cancelled courses will be available on the evening of Tuesday, February 18, 2025
It is the student's responsibility to check our website for a list of all cancelled classes.
Registration Procedures
The registration process is different for current TCDSB students and non-TCDSB students. Refer to the following guidelines for each student group:
There are no course fees for Ontario students.
Non-TCDSB International VISA students must email us at for additional registration information.